Swimming program

Overall, swimming is a versatile activity that combines physical exercise, relaxation and fun, making it a popular choice around the world. Should you already know how to train!

Guillaume Leroy, a swimming instructor at the Namur Olympic Club and a graduate of Adeps swimming initiator, offers the service to offer you swimming programs adapted to your needs!

The service consists of three types of subscription:

  1. Basic - 15€/month
    • 1 to 2 training sessions per week sent in PDF
    • Followed via WhatsApp chat
    • Optional :
      • General physical preparation session (+5€/number of sessions week/month ex: 1x week +5€/month)
  2. Intermediate - 20€/month
    • 2 to 3 workouts per week sent in PDF
    • 1 session of general physical preparation
    • Followed via WhatsApp chat
    • Optional :
      • Additional general physical preparation session (+5€/number of sessions week/month ex: 1x week +5€/month)
      • Calculates times to be completed and departure times (+10€/month)
  3. Advanced - 45€/month
    • 3 to 5 workouts per week sent in PDF
    • 2 - 3 sessions of general physical preparation
    • Followed via WhatsApp chat
    • Calculates times to complete and starting times